Casablanca Script & Legend Howard Koch 1st Edition
“Of All The Gin Joints In All The Towns In All The World, She Walks Into Mine.”
From the DJ Inside Flap: “In this unusual publication, assembled by Howard Koch, not only is the entire Epsteins-Koch script reproduced, but the extraordinary story surrounding the making of the film is recalled for the first time by screenwriter Koch…”
They are not kidding, here’s the movie script…
…complete with dialogue and camera moves.
This pretty much spells out what you are in for…
…the movie was made in 1942, 79 years ago, runs 102 minutes, has 16 speaking parts and won 3 oscars.
btw: “Play it again Sam”was never said in the movie…
…instead the real quote is: "Play it once, Sam, for old times' sake." There you go.
Included in the book are 15 black and white stills from the movie…here’s two…
The book is a stated “First Printing”
First published in 1973 by Overlook Press out of Woodstock, New York.
The original dust jacket is a bit beat up…
…but the pages inside are in VERY GOOD shape, pretty much doesn’t look like it was ever read.